Monday, May 25, 2009

George Brett classics

Anyone and everyone has most likely seen the George Brett video where he went psychotic on a home plate umpire over a pine tar incident. While playing the Yankees, Brett hit a homerun to give the Royals a 5-4 lead in the ninth. Yankees manager Billy Martin challenged that pine tar on Brett's bat went too high up the barrel and violated MLB rules; the homerun was reversed and that led to a classic moment in MLB history. If you haven't seen it, a) you've been living under a rock and b) check it out below:

As good as that is, I saw a video a longtime back and my buddy Kevin reminded me of it a few days ago. He called me practically in tears, and for good reason. Enjoy the following video in which Brett discusses shitting himself:

You gotta love him at the end. "Who's the pitchers in this game?"

Absolute classic. Also reminded me of the video from Cky3 of Raab himself taking a dump while running. And yes, it was on YouTube:

Which also brought me to an on-air blooper for a weatherman during his portion of the newscast. He doesn't actually soil himself during the forecast, but just watch the guy as he tries to battle through it. You can tell he's pinching his cheeks to the fullest and the fact that he didn't make it on camera for the first half of it tells you he was really trying to work up the courage to even walk. Gotta love when he actually reaches down to his stomach; at that point it was only a matter of time before he threw in the towel...

Happy Memorial Day.


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