Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How Sincere Is This Mayor? How Poor Is His Tie Choice?

So apparently this Mayor of Toronto did crack.  He definitely wore an NFL tie to his apology press conference.  What the hell?  This is a direct slap in the face to the Argonauts and every self respecting Canadien.  Has to be his only tie right? 

Let's put it on you, you have a high ranking job, and have just been busted for smoking crack.  You need to get out in front of this, put people at ease.  Grab your favorite American sports tie with all the logos (including the old-school Buccaneers and the highly debated Redskins) and shoe horn your fat ass into a suit, fake cry and boom, you should be set.  P.R. 101. 

I still think a Maple Leafs tie would have been the way to go.  They go nuts for that team up there.  Good luck next term guy (do they do terms in Canada?)

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