Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Oscars for Best Animated Film and Best Animated Short are locked up

Seth Rogen and his band of funny fucks are coming out with another gem, this time in animated form. If you haven't seen the trailer for Sausage Fest yet, it's a must watch (below). Based on the trailer, if the Academy has any balls this movie has already locked up the Oscar for Best Animated Film. And they should just give the trailer Best Animated Short, while they're at it. I can't wait to eat an edible and go watch this in theaters. I may need to book an entire row of seats so I can comfortably roll around on the floor laughing without disturbing other patrons.

Look at this roster of stars coming in for this one - absolutely absurd. Ed North is like 12th on the list and Salma Hayek got dumped on the bottom center justfied. That's when you know you're stacked to the brim.

h/t to Kevin for the link to the trailer. Somehow I hadn't seen it yet.

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