Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rich Reviews: The Wolverine

The Wolverine is a solid comic book movie. It's not Dark Knight, Iron Man, or even X-men, but it's also not a Spider-Man 3 or Ghost Rider. Hugh Jackson is back for the 5th time in this role (I guess 6th if you count his cameo in X-Men: First Class). He's good. The story and action is far better in this one compared to the last stand alone Wolverine movie (X-Men Origins: Wolverine).

This is more in the vain of a Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor... where you isolate on just the one super hero, with the villain not being a major comic character (like a Joker or Green Goblin). The Wolverine still holds up, solid action throughout and actually some continuity to the previous X-Men films.

It's over 2 hours long but doesn't feel like that, and for the first time you get the impression that Wolverine, the character, can carry a movie. He's always been "part of the X-Men' but clearly he is just as popular and intriguing as any other super hero.

I'll give it a 7.5/10.  (But I'm a sucker for comic book movies.)

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