Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What are we buying: A boxing match or a used car?

I came across this commercial last night for the upcoming "boxing match" between Tim Sylvia and Ray Mercer. To give you some background on how hideous an idea this match is, it was actually declined sanctioning by the New Jersey State Athletic Commission. It was originally supposed to take place in Atlantic City, but they wanted no part of it, and for good reason. Check out the commercial, it's awful. I can't tell if they're selling a boxing match or a used car here. You gotta love watching Sylvia hitting the mitts and nearly whiffing on the last one, while "Merciless" pecks away at the heavy bag like a malnourished woodpecker. Not to mention their speaking parts, which really brought it all together. Sylvia might be the biggest geek on the planet, both literally and figuratively.

What's more awkward, Sylvia in this promo, or his appearance on Blind Date?

And tell me the voiceover doesn't sound like something out of a monster truck commercial. SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!!

A free can of Natty Light. Mmmm. BE HERE OR BE QUEER!!!


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